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Welcome to Celestial Consulting, leaders in Enterprise Architecture. Enterprise level thinking, enterprise level training and enterprise level mentoring - Learn from practitioners not theorist...

Focused courses

TOGAF® is a registered trademark of The Open Group

Business Architecture - A Practical Guideby Graham Meaden and Jonathan Whelan

Visit Graham at Kipstor

Business Model Generation, Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur

Credit crunching prices on training and consultancy, we currently have a 15% discount on all prices!

Celestial recognises that during these tough times everyone is looking to make savings wherever possible. We also recognise that training is a key strategy to ensuring a competitive edge. We are strongly committed to the highest quality training at the most reasonable prices, that’s why we have created a new pricing model that we are sure will surprise and excite you. Contact us for more details or directly on 0121 288 3079

Celestial Consulting UK, enabaling change since 1998.