Business Consultancy

For enquiries contact us on 0121 288 3079 - email:client.contact@celestial.co.uk

Business Consultancy

We apply our advanced use of business architecture to deliver you problem focused consultancy services aimed at enabling strategy, transformation planning and change execution and value realisation.

Business Architecture Practice Services

We have deep experience in enterprise and business architecture practices. As a consequence we can provide a broad range of services to improve the effectiveness and value creation of architecture.

Feasibility Studies

If you are embarking on a large or potentially high-risk project, you will be needing to establish feasibility of one or more solutions with cost projections. Using our Feasibility Study services we can help you assess options and develop a sound business case on which to proceed. We synchronise the feasibility study conclusions with the prevailing enterprise architecture.

Business Studies

If you have already established the high level approach for your project and you wish to develop a more detail understanding of your proposed business solution, our Business Study service can deliver a detailed and prioritised set of requirements on which you can procure or build a solution against. We synchronise the business study conclusions with the prevailing enterprise architecture.


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Celestial Consulting UK, enabaling change since 1998.