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Aurora, a comprehensive and documented EA Metamodel which can save your EA Practice build 6 months development and implementation time. You can also de-risk your project by benefiting from an EA Metamodel that is already in use. Aurora-PIM is the platform independent version of the metamodel, containing a conceptual and logical model.

There are many challenges in setting up an EA Practice. One key challenge is creating the model that describes what and how your practice is going to model architecture and produce architecture descriptions – your metamodel. Establishing a strong metamodel is critical for modelling consistency and long term success of your practice.

Modelling consistently is essential to:

  • enable your architecture team to communicate with a common language
  • achieve the consistent production of architectural descriptions
  • enable consistent communication with the customers and stakeholders of the EA Practice

Achieving consistency necessitates:

  • common standards for modelling
  • common definitions describing what is being modeled
  • the collective set of definitions must also fit together to enable modelling across as well as within architectural domains.

Developing a metamodel is a significant undertaking: it requires specialist expertise, in-depth understanding of the major architecture frameworks, standards and other bodies of knowledge. It also requires time. For an EA Practice set-up, time is one thing that is not always available. EA sponsors demand rapid return on investment and quick-wins. Developing a metamodel and configuring your EA tool for 6 months may not be justifiable. Fortunately, Celestial has the answer:

  • Aurora-PIM, the platform independent model is available as the basis for any tool implementation.common standards for modeling
  • is a ready-to-go version developed specifically for System Architect V10.

Benefits of Aurora-PIM:

  • Aurora is ready to deploy – saving 6-9 months development work
  • Aurora has been adopted and is in use - deploying an established solution will de-risk your project
  • Aurora is TOGAF® ready – it was designed from the ground up using core concepts fromTOGAF®
  • Aurora supports the Federal Enterprise Architecture Framework (FEAF) supporting the Performance Reference Model as one example
  • Aurora is designed to enable roundtrip software and business engineering and is compatible with UML and BPMN. Business Process Improvement and Systems Engineering teams can use the same model
  • Aurora has been designed for true enterprise architecture with an extensive business architecture supporting 12 distinct sub-domains
  • Aurora features unique iconic representation for every model entity – generating easy-to-understand models.

Features of Aurora-PIM:

  • Aurora-PIM is the platform independent version of the metamodel, containing a conceptual and logical model.
  • The logical model is defined using UML class diagram notation.
  • The conceptual model is defined using simplified, iconic-rich notation.
  • Aurora-PIM is documented using wiki technology that enables its organic growth
  • Aurora-PIM was developed with reference to numerous standards and bodies of knowledge:UML as a foundation modelling language
  • BPMN and SPEM in the field of Business Process Modelling
  • Managing Successful Programmes (MSP), PRINCE in the field of project management
  • FEAF PRM & various national Treasury Investment Guidelines in the field of Performance Management and Benefits Realisation
  • OMG’s Business Motivation Model for our Influences and Business Direction, Action and Rules
  • COBIT and ITIL in the field of IT operations
  • ISO 27999 in the field of security
  • ISO 2788 and ISO 5964 in taxonomy design

Celestial Consulting UK, enabaling change since 1998.